Government Rehabilitation Institute for Intellectual Disabilities (GRIID)
Sector-31, Chandigarh
Tell:- 0172-2637361, 2637396,
Fax:- 0172-2637369.
Public Appointment Information
ONLINE Application are invited from eligible candidates for filling up the following Group 'B' & 'C' posts in Government Rehabilitation Institute for Intellectual Disabilities (GRIID) ,
Sector-31, Chandigarh on temporary basis as per details given below
Group:- 'B'
Post:- 01 Clinical Psychologist / General class Category.
Pay Scale:- Rs.10,300-34,800/- per month + Rs.3,800 Grade Pay.
Post:- 02 Social Worker / General Category.
Pay Scale:- 10,300-34,800/- per month + Rs.3,800 Grade pay.
Group:- 'C'
Post:- 01 physiotherapist (Lower Scale) / General Category.
Pay Scale:- 10,300-34,800/- per month + Rs.3,200 Grade pay.
Post:- 03 Special Educator / 02-OBC / 01-EWS
Pay Scale:- 5,910-20,200/- per month + Rs.3,000 Grade pay.
Post:- 01 Hostel Nurse / General Category.
Pay Scale:- Rs.5,910-20,200/- per month + Rs.2,400 Grade pay.
*The posts mentioned above are purly temporary and advertised provisionally subject to clearence from Government of India.
Application Fee:- Rs.1000/- Non-Refundable.
The candidates shall have to report to the designated Banker (State Bank of India),
48 hours after the Registration, alongwith the download Fee Challan for depositing the fee.
Application Fee Rs.1000/- for General Category /OBC / EWS candidates.
Start date :- 25/02/2020 for ONLINE Submission of Application.
Last date:- 15/03/2020 upto 11:59 PM for ONLINE Submission of Application.
Last date:- 17/03/2020 by 04:00 PM for ONLINE Submission of Fee in any SBI branch.
Applicant shall be allotted online Registration Number sent on registered email Id.
Candidates are advised to note their Registration Number and Password immediately after generating by the system and keep it with them confidentially and should not share with anybody.
Candidates may send their queries on all working days from 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Only through email at the email Id-
The venue, date and time of written Test etc. will be available on the website .
Candidates are visit the site on regular basis.
The details instructions for submission of ONLINE application and deposit of fee are available on the website
The Department reserve the right to change any conditions/ criteria or cancel the Recruitment process without assigning any reason.